
Publisher Note

Bearing Witness While Black tells the story of this century's most powerful Black social movement through the eyes of 15 activists who documented it. At the height of the Black Lives Matter uprisings, African Americans filmed and tweeted evidence of fatal police encounters in dozens of US cities--using little more than the device in their pockets. Their urgent dispatches from the frontlines spurred a global debate on excessive police force, which claimed the lives of African American men, women, and children at disproportionate rates.

Art Theory

Bearing Witness While Black

— African Americans, Smartphones, and the New Protest #Journalism

edited by Allissa V. Richardson

Release Place Oxford, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
ISBN-13: 978-0190935535
Subform Essay Book
Topics African American, Black Movement
Methods Writing
Language English
Format softcover
Dimensions 15.6 × 23.5 cm
Pages 268

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