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Publisher Note

Izumi Shiokawa is an illustrator who actively presents her works at art exhibitions and also works in various fields such as advertisements, magazines and commercial products in Japan. This book is a collection of portraits of pets and its owners.

Animals and human beings. This mutual relationship could mean as a partner, a mother-and-child, a boyfriend-and-girlfriend and also a best friend. One cannot exists without the other.Just between YOU AND ME… the book is all about the story of relationship, and the precious time the characters have shared together.., which brings a smile on every face.

She has published in a series of simple but attractive portrait, such as ‘CATS’ and ‘SHE’. The former focuses on cats’ figures and the latter captures a various aspects of the female visage, in which brings out our diverse emotions.This time, her book depicts their scenes as well as adorable looks that evoke their, a pet and its owner’s, buddy-buddy relationship.

Artists’ Book

(between) You & Me

by Izumi Shiokawa

Release Place Nagoya, Japan
Edition 2nd edition
Release Date 2016
Artist: Izumi Shiokawa
Printrun 1000
Topics Animal Portrait, Animals, Pets, Portrait
Methods Drawing
Dimensions 12.8 × 18.2 × 1.2 cm
Technique Offset

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Sammlung Verein Das Kunstbuch

last updated 1452 days ago

Created by DasKunstbuch

Edited by DasKunstbuch, edcat