Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

The language of flowers seems to be a last code of civilising innocence. Why outsourcing our emotions to plants? How to transfer our doubts to words? Flowers are out, so we will soon need them again. They are left-overs from a colourful nature and irritating by their offensive reproductivity. They are products of globalised trade and omnipresent, where ever we celebrate, fancy, seduce and mourn. Which are appropriate flowers for a divorce? Which wreath do we expect for our own grave?

Blossoms are beautiful – and prissy: explosions in slow-motion, and cut flowers keep on growing in their vases. Flowers are wicked and lustful, as they accompany our cultural codes. They traditionally convey specific symbolic messages. In the book Blumen sind geil, literary short texts come together with a series of photographic scenes, complementing, disturbing and distorting each other. It combines visual, sculptural and conceptual work with spelled-out language. The monologue-like texts meet with the images as sentences, thereby tilting meanings.

Release Date 2020
ISBN-13: 978-3-96216-003-6
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.0 cm
Pages 128

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