
Publisher Note

In a contemporary dark forest, we conceived our personal tribute to the tradition of still life with a botanical theme.
Botanical Thriller is a photographic project that aims to emphasize the life drive and enigmatic essence of plant organisms, transforming the inert extras that serve as a backdrop for human activities into protagonists at the center of a dreamlike thriller.
Surprised by a light in the darkness, the plant world appears as a tangle of clues, signals, and indecipherable languages, evidence of intriguing and relentless activity. The cold light of a flashlight, a reporters flash, car headlights, or the glow of a streetlamp suddenly reveal colors and shapes hidden until a moment before.
We observe plants in their uncanny beauty through a gaze charged with tension and mystery.


Botanical Thriller

by Cartacarbone

Release Place Milan, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Designer: Parco Studio
Artist: Cartacarbone
Subform Magazine
Topics Botanics, Flower, Nature
Methods Photography
Language English, Italian
Format un-bound magazine (with separate text sheet)
Dimensions 33.5 × 47.5 cm
Pages 24