Publisher Note

Cars in cities are omnipresent, if only because of their number. So most of the logos belong to them. They are almost untouchable, a kind of sanctuary, fat brand style guides regulate this. Mike D put the VW logo on his golden chain, car logos are still trophies. In CAN I BORROW YOUR LOGO? they are assembled as frottage, in their original size: a war of stars, lightning bolts, crests and simple geometric contours. The frottage eats every bling-bling and brand protection. And may keep what it swallows.

Artists’ Book

Can I borrow your Logo?

by Winnes Rademächers

Release Date 2023
Series Felder Mini, 5
Original Price 9.00 EUR
Subform Zine
Topics Cars, Logo
Methods Drawing
Dimensions 14.8 × 21.0 cm
Pages 24