
Publisher Note

This book offers a first report on the activities of the Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise (CATPC), an association based in Lusanga, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

CATPC brings together a unique gathering of individuals—along with its members and partner institutions that are engaged in dialogue with it—and attempts to rethink postcolonial power relations within the global art world. Initiated in 2014 by Renzo Martens, an Amsterdam-based artist whose radical and controversial practice feeds into many current debates, and René Ngongo, a Kinshasa-based biologist and environmental activist, this cooperative continues to develop independently and redefine the relations between art, agriculture, industry, and value creation.

CATPC makes art to generate global awareness about the historic and present-day position of plantation workers. With their art, they generate the means necessary to turn depleted plantations back into forests for the benefit of the community, providing local food security, increasing biodiversity, and mitigating global climate change.

The collective currently comprises twenty members. The membership is not static: besides the group of founding members, there is a group of recent members as well as interns.

The publication **CATPC—Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise / Congolese Plantation Workers Art League** is part of an artistic research project initiated by Renzo Martens, affiliated as a researcher at KASK/School of Arts of University College Ghent, from 2012 to 2016.

Exhibition Catalogue


— Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise Congolese Plantation Workers Art League

Various Authors

edited by Eva Baroil De Caevel, Els Roelandt

Release Place Gent, Belgium
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Writer: Various Authors
Artist: Various Authors
ISBN-13: 978-3-95679-310-3
Subform Photobook
Topics Art In Congo
Methods Photography
Language English, French
Format softcover
Dimensions 15.0 × 21.5 cm
Pages 456