Front Cover

Publisher Note

“Nigel Scott is one of a handful of eminent contemporary photographers who have turned back the clock and invested much time and energy in nineteenth century photographic methods which by todays standards of digital imaging are considered time consuming and for some, pointless.

Nigel, and these others, are photographers who see not only an image but a finely crafted print as the end product of each aesthetic journey…. An example in this book shows flowers arranged in the shape of a fish. For the most part the natural objects that Nigel utilises, mostly flowers, ferns, leaves, are carefully chosen for their shape and occasional transparencies.

The substrates on which the cyanotypes are realised - either top quality Arches paper or a variety of silks (fabrics), including a gold-coloured silk, are also carefully matched with the objects. All is arranged with the deft simplicity and precision of an ikebana artist.”

Artist Monograph

Nigel Scott

Conversations with Blue

Release Date 2012
Artist: Nigel Scott
Topics Photography, Print
Methods Photography
Language Japanese, English
Pages 110

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Artphilein Library

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