Publisher Note

COOP a-script is an artist book based on two performance scripts by Fia Backström, extending her exploration of visual and spoken language, global community, bureaucratic jargon, and mood and communication disorders. The first section of the book, “Aphasia as a visual way of speaking, on A-production and other language syndromes,” consists of a text written in four parts. When this work was performed at The Poetry Project in New York City, the artist organized the script across the venue’s floor and wall in a grid. To read the text, Backström moved her body across the floor, fragmenting the linear base structure of the text and inserting additional texts as her body made contact with the manuscript. Within this book, this process of fragmentation is preserved with passages linked by mathematical symbols to the second set of texts, which are placed at random within the four parts. This allows the reader to experience a fractured, non-linear reading of the script in line with the artist’s performance of the material.

Artists’ Book

COOP a-script

by Fia Backström

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Artist: Fia Backström
Printrun 1000
Dimensions 7.5 × 9.0 inch
Pages 136

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Sammlung Verein Das Kunstbuch

last updated 1476 days ago

Created by DasKunstbuch

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