Publisher Note

Europe’s new eastern borders stretch from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea: 1.600 heavily guarded kilometers between former “fraternal countries.” The photographers Yann Mingard and Alban Kakulya spent a long time on the road; one of them traveled down from the North and the other up from the South in an effort to document the places and landscapes that mark the end of the Western world. On their journey, they photographed the landscape as well as the border posts with their soldiers and their refugees seized at the frontier, and documented a reality defined in faraway Strasbourg, Brussels, and elsewhere. Explanatory maps and satellite images are juxtaposed in this book with the striking photographs. Articles by political scientists, security experts, sociologists, human rights specialists, and philosophers, as well as literary texts round out this photographic survey of the EU’s Eastern European external borders.


East of a New Eden

— European External Borders - a Documentary Account

by Alban Kakulya, Yann Mingard

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2010
ISBN-13: 978-3-03778-176-0
Subform Photobook
Topics Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Borders
Methods Photography
Language English, French
Dimensions 25.0 × 33.0 × 4.0 cm
Pages 320
Technique Offset