
Publisher Note

Everyday Africa: 30 Photographers Re-Picturing a Continentfights against stereotypes of Africa as a place of poverty, disease and war. Featuring the best photos from the acclaimed online project, this book presents images of everyday life on the African continent that offer rare glimpses of unsuspected beauty; they redirect our perception from sensationalist extremes to a more ordered, familiar reality. The photos are accompanied by excerpts from the Instagram comments inspired by them. Shocking, funny and sincere - the comments are funny one moment and sarcastic the next. They speak volumes about the common perception of Africa while underscoring the continent's ever-closer interconnectedness within a globalized world. Because of these comments alone, the project has its right to exist. 288 000 people follow Everyday Africa on Instagram, where it was started in 2012 by Peter DiCampo and Austin Merrill; it has been published in various media around the world. Exhibitions have taken place in New York, Casablanca, Istanbul, Delhi and Cambridge, among others.


Nana Kofi Acquah, Jana Ašenbrennerová, Girma Berta, Guillaume Bonn, Barry Christianson, Daouda Corera, Peter DiCampo, Edward Echwalu, Laura El-Tantawy, Yagazie Emezi, Andrew Esiebo, Malin Fezehai, Glenna Gordon, Jane Hahn, Idil Ibrahim, Shannon Jensen, Mahmoud Khattab, Lindsay Mackenzie, Austin Merrill, Holly Pickett, Whitney Richardson , Christina Rizk, Tom Saater, Allison Shelley, Charlie Shoemaker, Ricci Shryock, Nichole Sobecki, Sara Terry, Ley Uwera, Sam Vox


Everyday Africa

— 30 Photographers Re-Picturing a Continent

by Various Artists

Release Place Heidelberg, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Writer: Various Writers
Artist: Various Artists
ISBN-13: 978-3-86828-731-8-R
Topics Africa, Stereotypes
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 16.5 × 19.2 cm
Pages 448