Front Cover

Publisher Note

Evidence is the cumulation of six years work on political
disappearance by the photographer Diana Matar. Years ago the
artist’s father-in-law, a Libyan opposition leader, was kidnapped by
the Egyptian secret service and handed over to the Gaddafi regime;
he has been missing ever since.
The first third of the book is a meditation on absence told through
photographs and excerpts of letters written by the artist to her
missing father-in-law, Jaballa. Slowly the book begins to change as it
is made clear that Jaballa’s actions have implications for her own life
and her family’s safety. As she travels through London, Libya, Italy
and California, the images and diary entries take one on a journey
through contemporary history.
Crafted as an homage to one man, the book shows the cruel effects
of dictatorship on intimate relationships and family life.

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stuttgart, Germany
Release Date 2013
Editor: Michele Buda
Artist: Diana Matar
ISBN-13: 9789053308424
LCC: TR655 .M384 2014
Topics Africa, Disappered People, Family, Libya, Stories
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Pages 160

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