Publisher Note

‘Five Cases of Intrusion’ is Diego Tonus’s first artist’s book, and is made up of the transcriptions of secret recordings the artist carried out during public and private meetings at presentations of his work. Designed to be considered part of Tonus’s practice, the book presents fragments of these recordings – drawing on discussions with interlocutors met in various cities over the past five years – in which the artist describes the experiences that allowed him to produce the selected works. The publication does not therefore focus on the presentation of the works as a spectator would encounter them in an exhibition space, but on processes underlying the creation of the works themselves. Each chapter takes its title from the situations the artist experienced, presenting himself not as an author but in other roles, looked upon as intrusions in pre-existent contexts. Along with these texts, the book presents previously unpublished images. Although not to be strictly considered documentation, these images offer parallel notes and preparatory sketches made during different works in progress, guiding readers in their interpretation of the artist’s practice.

Artists’ Book

Five Cases of Intrusion

by Diego Tonus

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2014
Artist: Diego Tonus
ISBN-13: 978-3-936202-52-5
Methods Archive Writings, Photography, Writings
Language English, Italian
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.0 × 1.5 cm
Pages 144

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Artphilein Library

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Data Contributor: Choisi Bookshop

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