
Publisher Note

This book presents the most important ice rivers of the European high mountains in a complete manner, examining the geological, climatic and historical events of the Alpine valleys, choosing from iconographic testimonies of the last four centuries, analyzing the importance of glaciers for the energy economy, taking position for the protection of threatened Alpine landscapes.

Glaciers have a life and history that are closely intertwined with that of men. In the first part of the book, glaciological knowledge and the methodology of glaciology are exposed. In the second part, the most significant glaciers of the different Alpine regions are presented, with their history, characteristics and economic connections.

Photobook, Nonfiction

Ghiacciai delle Alpi

by Robert C. Bachmann

Release Place Bologna, Italy
Release Date 1980
Writer: Various Writers
ISBN-13: 978-8808048684
Topics Alpine Landscapes, Alps, Glaciers, Swiss Pohotography
Language Italian
Format hardcover cloth-bound with dust-jacket
Dimensions 24.5 × 31.0 cm
Pages 320