Front Cover

Publisher Note

Sitting, people do already for a long time. Therefore chairs have been manufactured ever since. In Hong Kong many of them end up on the street. Plastic chairs, wicker chairs, armchairs, stools, bar stools, office chairs. Old and new, whole, broken, rebuilt and repaired. Together with alienated crates, cartons, wooden blocks and foam pillows they form curious roadside seating ensembles for the short relaxation or a little chat in between. 'Seating Arrangements' is the third of a total of 9 volumes in which Michael Wolf celebrates the diverse aspects of street life in Hong Kong and the improvisational skills of the urban residents.

Exhibition Catalogue

Hong Kong Informal Seating Arrangements

Michael Wolf

edited by Maxime Guyon, Milo Keller, Joël Vacheron

Release Date 2013
Artist: Michael Wolf
ISBN-13: 9783941825710
Topics Hong Kong, Still Life
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 15.6 × 21.0 × 1.2 cm
Pages 78

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