Publisher Note

“House of Love” is a work of photographic fiction that takes the form of nine short stories. Working closely with writer Aveek Sen, whose prose follows a journey of its own, Singh explores the relationship between photography, memory, and writing. “House of Love”, designed to blur the lines between an art book of photographic images and a work of literary fiction, is a book whose images demand to be read, not just seen, and whose texts create their own sensory worlds. The combination creates a new vocabulary for the visual book.

The “House of Love” itself is the Taj Mahal, but the Taj Mahal as a recurring motif that stands for a range of meanings—meanings made up of the truths and lies of night and day, love and illusion, attachment and detachment.


House of Love

by Dayanita Singh

Release Place Cambridge, MA, United States of America
Santa Fe, NM, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2011
Author: Dayanita Singh
Artist: Dayanita Singh
ISBN-13: 978-1-934435-27-4
Subform Photobook
Topics Memory, Photography
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover with dustjacket
Dimensions 16.7 × 24.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 172
Technique Offset