Cover, image source: Pleats, © Pleats

Publisher Note

Index: A Land. Fragments from the Jacquetta Hawkes Archive accompanies the solo exhibition Pots before words (2014), Gallery II, University of Bradford.

This publication is a reproduction of a handwritten, re-sequenced and annotated Index for A Land, a non-fiction book by archaeologist and writer Jacquetta Hawkes, first published in 1951. Produced from archival material held in the Jacquetta Hawkes Archive, Special Collections at University of Bradford, the original index was written and compiled by Jacquetta and Nicolas Hawkes. The publication is a facsimile reprint of the A-Z Index with additional archive material added to the final page.

Artists’ Book

Index: A Land.

— Fragments from the Jacquetta Hawkes Archive

by Kate Morrell

Release Date 2014
Artist: Kate Morrell
Printrun 200
Inscription numbered
Format Softcover
Dimensions 19.0 × 31.0 cm
Pages 48