
Publisher Note

On February 9, 2020 in Mexico City, a 25-year-old woman named Ingrid E.V was murdered by her companion. Grisly photographs of this femicide committed by Erik Francisco Robledo Rosas, taken at the scene of the crime by the authorities, were avidly circulated by Mexican tabloids, which had no qualms in plastering the young woman’s dismembered body across their front pages. This opportunistic move by the gutter press, and the complicity of the police in making it possible, sparked a wave of protests. Spurred by a tweet to do their part in ridding the internet of these gruesome images, social media users around the world posted numerous photos of peaceful lakes, sunsets, fields of flowers and other scenes of natural beauty under the hashtag #IngridEscamillaVargas.

Moved by this collaborative effort, Zoé Aubry, who has been working on the systemic and structural phenomenon of femicides and the issues raised by their media coverage since 2017, has produced a book that pays homage to the memory of Ingrid Escamilla Vargas, denounces violence against women, and assails the voyeurism of a certain segment of the press



by Zoé Aubry

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Writer: Zoé Aubry
Artist: Zoé Aubry
ISBN-13: 9782492175060
Topics Femicide, Mexico, Violence, Women
Language English, Spanish, French
Format Softcover loose binding, silver mirror lamination
Dimensions 22.5 × 32.0 cm
Pages 352