Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

“Loving you is enough…” is a publication that reflects the collective processes of seven years of YUP in form of an experimental and interactive experience. It brings together seven different contributions by artists from the past five realized performance art festivals.

The publication was launched at Kunsthalle Osnabrück as part of the »Bist du bereit?« event series.

Publisher self-published
Release Place Berlin, Germany
Osnabrück, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Designer: Gloria Glitzer
Printrun 300
ISBN-13: 978-3-910505-03-2
Availability Available
Topics Care Work, Collaboration, Collective, Gender, Performance, Sex Work
Dimensions 20.0 × 28.0 × 0.9 cm
Pages 64
Technique Offset, Risography