
Publisher Note

Insufficient memory is as common as it is unpreventable. Or so we think. Countless techniques were developed to improve our mnemonic skills, however, most of them were a dubious success for most of us. They went out of date when we started to rely on electronic storage of data. One Hundred Things to Remember is based on one book suggesting a visual approach to improving memory. Taken out of context and viewed from a distance of nearly seventy years, the combinations of simple words and drawings turn out to be an absurd selection of random signs, a form of unintentional poetry reminding us of a time when computers with virtually unlimited memory were not even a dream yet.

Artists’ Book

One Hundred Things to Remember

by Joachim Schmid

Publisher self-published
Release Place Berlin, Germany
Release Date 2018
Artist: Joachim Schmid
Printrun 100
Language English
Format softcover
Binding perfect binding
Dimensions 10.5 × 14.8 × 1.0 cm
Pages 108