

First Italian edition 1987

Publisher Note

Is there still room for human freedom in a world where images increasingly become empty symbols, where technology and machines progressively take over our daily lives, and our thoughts and desires seem to become more robotic with each passing day? Starting from this fundamental question, Flusser ventures into the analysis of an elusive discipline with blurred boundaries, where the line between technique and art, between reproduction and expression, is inherently ambiguous. Reduced to the mere status of duplicating reality, emptied of its primary sense of "reconstructing the world," photography, for Flusser, is the emblem of the dangerous drift that today threatens to overwhelm human beings: that of becoming slaves to a baseless technique. This is the reason for a philosophy of photography: only through rethinking it can humans avert the threat of subjugation to machines and reclaim the space for the freedom and meaning that seem to have been lost in the post-industrial era.

Art Theory

Per una filosofia della fotografia

by Vilém Flusser

Release Place Milan, Italy
Edition 2nd edition
Release Date 2006
Editor: Vilém Flusser
Author: Vilém Flusser
ISBN-13: 9788842499787
Language Italian
Dimensions 10.0 × 17.0 cm
Pages 324