Whole piece, Pink concertina letterpress printed artist book piece pinned to wall, image source: Private

Publisher Note

Punch is a response to research about my ancestors The Marchant brothers, who were famous boxers in the 1920's and 30's in Manchester and Salford, UK. The most famous of the brothers was Billy Marchant. He had a very colourful life, when he was 15 he ran away from his home in Salford to join a fairground boxing booth before heading to America to fight in New York. He was injured in the First World War but still continued to box, taking to the ring in over 800 bouts!

Whilst researching Billy at the National Fairground Archive in Sheffield, UK I came across a passage in a book describing him as 'The first bona fide, fistic, folk hero' this text as well as old boxing and fairground posters became the inspiration behind Punch A bright pink hanging leporello book printed with wooden ‘Headline’ type on sugar paper.

Publisher self-published
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Artist: Caitlin Akers
Printrun 2
Dimensions 30.0 × 120.0 cm
Pages 10

last updated 784 days ago

Created by Caitlin_Akers

Edited by Caitlin_Akers