Cover, Two-Volume Work, image source: Publisher


The first volume focuses on exploring the concept of solidarity in art (including its points of intersection with economics, academic research and politics). It develops a fresh approach to the seemingly antiquated concept of solidarity by relating it to a (specific) urban reality and to the general social structure in which both individuals and groups act. In so doing, it focuses on how social changes interrelate with people’s reflection on their collective work and life practices, with the creation of the new and with the difficult task of thinking through what a (still unknown) notion of solidarity might be.

The text volume is accompanied by an artists’ publication. Seven current members of Artists Unlimited have worked on an eclectic and unedited archive of over 25,000 photographs of everyday life, assembled over thirty years (1985 – 2017). These pictures, which offer a multitude of narratives about the world of Artists Unlimited, are the work of the artist Klaus-Dieter Braun, a founding member of the group who remains active in it to this day.
The volume contains contributions by Rebecca Butzlaff, Christine Gensheimer, Angelika Höger, Timo Katz, Lotte Reimann, Lars Rosenbohm and Tim Sürken.

Artists’ Book, Art Theory

Kinship in Solitude

by Artists Unlimited

Release Place Hamburg, Germany
Release Date September 2017
Original Price 23.00 euro
Subform Photobook, Theory Book
Topics Archives, Art, Photography, Theory
Methods Found Photography, Writing
Language German, English
Dimensions 17.0 × 23.0 × 4.0 cm
Pages 484