
Publisher Note

The discovery, by the photographer Francesco Zizola, of the bluefin tuna trapped in the nets of a Sardinian tuna fishery, paved the way for a continuous frequentation of the fishing community that operates in those places. This event has allowed the author, year after year, to understand the complex, delicate and ancient practice of tuna fishing.
Bluefin tuna has been fished with this technique for thousands of years, but only recently has the bluefin tuna species made headlines due to a sudden decline in its numbers a few decades ago. As a result of this, the international scientific community has raised the alarm and forced the governments of the coastal countries to study the problem and find solutions. From that moment on, bluefin tuna fishing in the Mediterranean has been regulated and controlled.
The photographer therefore spent more than six years attending and documenting the tuna fishing season following the crew of tuna fishermen of Portoscuso and Porto Paglia, who welcomed him with sincerity and respect and allowed him to understand that we still can enter into dialogue with nature, if we respect its delicate balance.


Sale Sudore Sangue

by Francesco Zizola

Release Place Rome, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
Writer: Emilio Salgari
ISBN-13: 9788831363105
Topics Fishing, Salt, Sardinia, Tuna
Language Italian
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 24.0 × 31.6 cm
Pages 126