
Publisher Note

"Sama Alshaibi: Sand Rushes In," the first book by this rising artist, presents work from "Silsila," a video and photographic installation that premiered at the 2013 Venice Biennale, as well as other series. Alshaibi's lyrical multimedia work explores the landscape of conflict: the ongoing competition for land, resources and power in West Asia and North Africa, and the internal battle for control. Additional material, selected from the artist's series "Negative's Capable Hands," "Collapse" and "Thowra," is presented in the context of "Silsila," meaning "chain" or "link" in Arabic. The desert, border and body are of the geopolitical issues and histories used by the artist, linking the Arab-speaking world. Alshaibi operates between the United States and West Asia/North Africa, with much of her work inspired by and shot on site in landscapes from the western Sahara of North Africa to the eastern Arabian Desert on the edges of Iraq-highlighting the contrast between desert and oasis.


Sand Rushes In

by Sama Alshaibi

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Artist: Sama Alshaibi
ISBN-13: 9781597113083
Subform Photobook
Topics Arabian Desert, Desert, Migrations, Politics, Silsila
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover with dustjacket
Dimensions 25.0 × 32.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 112
Technique Offset