Front Cover


Second printing 2008 (first edition 1978)

Publisher Note

A reprint of Martha Rosler's artist's book. "A Budding Gourmet", "McTowers Maid," and "Tijuana Maid": three short novels address the social uses of food (the third told in both Spanish and English). Originally a mail art project, the stories were serialized and sent to potential readers on postcards.

Artists’ Book

Service. A trilogy on colonization

by Martha Rosler

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 2nd edition
Release Date 2008
Artist: Martha Rosler
ISBN-13: 978-0894390074
Language Spanish, English
Dimensions 12.6 × 20.3 cm
Weight 200 gram
Pages 122

last updated 1397 days ago

Data Contributor: Choisi Bookshop

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