
Publisher Note

In Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness, Volume II, Zanele Muholi explores and expands upon notions of Blackness, and the myriad possibilities of the self.
Since the publication of the first volume in 2018, Muholi has continued to photograph themself in a range of new international locations. Drawing on different materials or found objects referencing their environment, a specific event or lived experience, Muholi boldly explores their own image and innate possibilities as a Black individual in today’s global society, and—most important—speaks emphatically in response to contemporary and historical racisms.
Renée Mussai, curator and historian, brings together written contributions from more than ten curators, poets, and authors, building a poetic and experimental framework that extends the idea of speculative futures and the potentiality of multivalent selves.

“I am producing this photographic document to encourage individuals in my community to be brave enough to occupy spaces—brave enough to create without fear of being vilified. . . . To teach people about our history, to rethink what history is all about, to reclaim it for ourselves—to encourage people to use artistic tools such as cameras as weapons to fight back.”
- Zanele Muholi


Somnyama Ngonyama

— Hail the Dark Lioness - Volume II

by Zanele Muholi

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Artist: Zanele Muholi
ISBN-13: 9781597115377
Subform Photobook
Topics Black Culture, Black Women
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 26.5 × 35.5 cm
Pages 212