
Publisher Note

In the course of a six-month tour of the southwest of the United States, Swiss photographer Julian Salinas concentrated on the issue of how 'freedom' and 'commandment' can be interpreted in our time. In ten picture chapters he examines the traces left by these two major authorities to which the American people committed themselves a long time ago. On his journey he encountered not only numerous free churches and hedonistic survivor-types, but also relics of a state that once promised its inhabitants heaven on earth and is now scarcely able to fulfil its promise.This is a subtle, multifaceted work that presents new angles of vision and spurs the reader to reflect – not just on America, and not just on faith.



— Photographs from the Southwest

by Julian Salinas

Release Place Basel, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2012
Artist: Julian Salinas
ISBN-13: 978-3-85616-550-5
Subform Photobook
Topics Freedom, Southwest, Usa
Methods Photography
Language German, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 31.0 × 21.0 × 3.0 cm
Pages 144
Technique Offset