Front Cover

Publisher Note

This book of new research and commentary by Carl Skoggard brings another volume of Walter Benjamin’s work into a superb new translation. Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) began to ruminate on his Berlin childhood not long before he fled Germany for good, in 1933. The resulting “Berlin Chronicle” notices––forty in all––explore the ways of memory in relation to place––in light of Benjamin’s own memories and in relation to his native place. Rich in themselves, these “Chronicle” notices provide a unique key to the esoteric texts Benjamin would produce for his much-loved Berlin Childhood circa 1900.

Art Book

The “Berlin Cronicle” Notices. Walter Benjamin

by Walter Benjamin

Release Place Portland, OR, United States of America
Release Date 2011
Author: Walter Benjamin
Translator: Carl Skoggard
ISBN-13: 9781935662853
Language English
Dimensions 16.0 × 12.0 cm
Pages 294