image source: Publisher


Including texts from different fields of study:
Manuel de Landa, Deleuze: Diagrams and the Genesis of Form

David Lara Catalán, La Astucia Del Imaginario Social
Pedro Jiménez, Liberal Theory, Plurality and the Zapatista Experience
Héctor Guillén Romo, México: de la sustitución de importaciones al nuevo modelo económico neoliberal

Fidel Aroche/Marco Antonio Marquez, An Economic Network in North America

Lilia Domínguez/Laura Vázquez, Skilled migration to the US (work in progress)
Pablo Kalmanovitz, Strategic unpredictability
Gustavo Mauricio Bastien Olvera, La seguridad nacional de México ante el crimen organizado y sus efectos sobre el desarrollo humano: el caso del tráfico ilícito de armas de fuego
Paola Virgina Suárez Dávila, Post-Punk In Concert: The Digital Art Circuit
Sabine Pfleger/Joselin Barja, Resignifying the Northern Border
Ariadna Estévez, The (Necro)Policies Of Spatial Injustice In The US-Mexico Border: Disposability Pockets And Forced Depopulation
Sandra Alarcón, Piratas en la Aldea Global
Camelia Tigau, Medical Migration: The Case For A Knowledge Circulation Theory
Amaia Orozco, Global Care Chains/Cadenas globales de cuidados
Fernando Gómez Candela, La Derrota

Artists’ Book

The Club of Interesting Theories

by Adriana Lara

Publisher self-published
Release Place Washington D.C., DC, United States of America
Release Date 2017
Artist: Adriana Lara
Pages 100
Technique Offset