Cover, image source: Publisher website

Publisher Note

Brad Temkin brings attention to the visual and ecological beauty of the transformation of water, by showing the structures and processes that most people do not even think about. Most storm water runoff is considered waste; yet more than 700 cities reclaim and re-use wastewater and storm water with combined sewer systems, recycling it for agricultural uses and even drinking water. As we mimic nature and separate the impurities like sludge or salt or chemicals, a transformation occurs.

Temkin is less concerned with a structure’s use, or whether the water pictured is pure or waste. He is drawn instead to the strangeness of these forms and the distorted sense of scale. Moving beyond mere description, Temkin embraces the abstract and at times surreal landscape of water transformation.


The State of Water

by Brad Temkin

Release Place Santa Fe, NM, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Brad Temkin
ISBN-13: 9781942185550
Topics Storm Water, Wastewater, Water
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 24.5 × 27.5 cm
Pages 148

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