Cover, image source: Weinspach

Publisher Note

‘The ability of consumption is not reflected in the presence of an object. Consumption requires the ability to produce objects; however, production itself is the one object of our present condition. The only object worth thinking about in new categories right now is production itself.’

Drawn from the author’s sculptural practice using manufactured standardized objects, this visual and rhetoric essay documents a search for a new way of understanding the dichotomy between fixed categorizations and fluid appearances. The trolley stands as a figure to analyze capitalism from approaches to carry things and the physicality of things in motion.

Alfons Knogl, born 1976, lives and works in Cologne

Release Place Cologne, Germany
Release Date April 2018
Artist: Alfons Knogl
Printrun 350
ISBN-13: 978-3-9819124-2-5
Original Price 12.00 EUR
Dimensions 15.8 × 21.5 cm
Pages 32
Technique Offset

Web references


last updated 1173 days ago

Created by Weinspach

Edited by edcat, Weinspach