Cover, image source: Weinspach

Publisher Note

‘Bench’ takes a close-up look at the sculptural practice of Cologne-based artist Ulrike Schulze. In Schulze’s seemingly mini- malistic, yet highly emotional works, familiarity of materials is deconstructed and connotations become fuzzy and unstable. While the process is always evident and methodical, the restrained (and often) reluctant use of saw, screws, paint and colored pencils questions value and production and acts more in a way of sub- straction than addition to a whole. Though precisely balanced in finalized settings of exhibition space or book, where 'arrangement becomes the end while the form becomes the means', these works still remain fragile, open and in a constant state of flux.

Ulrike Schulze, born 1985, lives and works in Cologne.

Release Place Cologne, Germany
Release Date October 2017
Artist: Ulrike Schulze
Printrun 350
ISBN-13: 978-3-9819124-0-1
Original Price 12.00 EUR
Dimensions 15.8 × 21.5 cm
Pages 32
Technique Offset

Web references


last updated 1416 days ago

Created by Weinspach

Edited by edcat, Weinspach