Front Cover


Ralph Goertz

Publisher Note

This publication brings together the work of German photographer Joachim Brohm (born 1955), credited with being one of the first photographers in Germany to work exclusively in color, and American photographer Alec Soth (born 1969). Joachim Brohm & Alec Soth: Two Rivers focuses on the emblematic series both artists have shot in river regions: Brohm’s Ruhr series (1980–83) and Soth’s Sleeping by the Mississippi (2000–04).

Other work included in this volume, such as Ohio, Dessau Files and Culatra by Brohm, and Songbook and Niagara by Soth, represent fictitious places and allow for a broader view of the oeuvres of the two photographers. Given a special position in the book is Brohm’s portrait series Flash Ohio (1984), published here for the first time, exactly 35 years after its creation. Vince Leo and Wolfgang Ullrich contribute texts.

Release Date 2018
ISBN-13: 9783960985372
Topics America, Germany, Mississippi, Rivers, Ruhr
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Paperback
Pages 176

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Artphilein Library

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