Front Cover, image source: @ Gold Rain

Publisher Note

«Veinte movimientos en el tablero de la lucha de clases para una praxis combativa» is a zine that mixes several techniques: collage, drawing with pencil, pen, crayons, ink and texts with a typewriter. In twenty illustrations or better described as graphic works, Fernando Cruz, makes a tour of the speeches of Fanon, Dussel, Marx and even the EZLN; criticism and political self – portrait. Nevermore silenced, against supremacy in the whole world. Dignified rage. Decolonization. Put back the south standing, work and capital. Checkmate the King! are some of the topics or lines in which Fernando emphasizes when assembling this visual discourse, very relevant for the times we live.

Artists’ Book

Veinte movimientos en el tablero de la lucha de clases para una praxis combativa

by Fernando Cruz

Release Place Mexico
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 18th November 2017
Artist: Fernando Cruz
Printrun 100
Inscription numbered, signed
Subform Fanzine, Zine
Topics Social, Statement
Methods Collage, Drawing
Dimensions 14.5 × 21.5 × 0.3 cm
Pages 20
Technique Risography

last updated 2437 days ago

Created by goldrain

Edited by goldrain, edcat