
Publisher Note

For years the Rio Amazonas (fiume mondo = the world river) was the magnificent obsession of Angelo Ferracuti and the photographer Giovanni Marrozzini.
The result is a book that, like the classic Praise Now to Famous Men by James Agee and Walker Evans, is not afraid to express itself in two different languages, one independent of the other: literary reportage and story telling through images. Both want to reach the ancient heart of a devastated world, but on which our survival depends, together with its own.
Angelo Ferracuti and Giovanni Marrozzini set up the Amalassunta boat and went up the largest river on the planet: they went to meet the people who live in the heart of the jungle, some in danger of extinction, others threatened by loggers, gold miners, oil multinationals.


Viaggio sul fiume mondo

— Amazzonia

by Giovanni Marrozzini

Release Place Milan, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
ISBN-13: 9788804737421
Subform Photobook
Topics Amazzonia, Landscape
Methods Essay, Photography
Language Italian
Format Paperback
Dimensions 14.9 × 21.4 cm
Pages 228