image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

In her drawings, films, and sculptures, the French artist (*1974) living in Geneva deploys an aesthetic of "states" rather than of formal or theoretical references, in which notions of pleasure and experience find a new force. In this book of drawings she invites the reader on a journey into her universe imbued by hippie and psychedelic traits as much as by New Age evocations and memories of Minimalist abstraction.

Artist Monograph

Vidya Gastaldon

Vidya Gastaldon, Call It What You Like

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2008
ISBN 978-3-905829-84-6
Artist: Vidya Gastaldon
Language French, English
Format softcover
Dimensions 26.0 × 22.0 cm
Pages 160

last updated 1680 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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