Publisher Note

This book consists of a small selection of photographs taken by Glyadelov in eastern Ukraine, where the war has been going on since 2014. And the photos taken by him during the first weeks of Russian invasion in Ukraine. Continuing the work he has started in Donbas, where he had been shooting in 2014-2020, this time he turns his lens on the civilians, who are trying to escape the disasters of war. The backdrop is once flourishing, vibrant and contemporary European megapolis – Kyiv.

The 2 volumes were printed in occasion of Festival della cultura Ucraina a Palermo - Ucraina Terra di Confine - 10 marzo-10 parie 2022.


War (2014-2022)

by Oleksandr Glyadelov

Release Place Palermo, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Writer: Kateryna Filyuk
ISBN-13: 979-12-80423-27-6
Topics Conflicts, Ukraine, War
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 23.0 × 34.0 cm
Pages 84