
Publisher Note

Sometimes a single book can summarise a period, an event, a phenomenon. Only the talent of the author can make the difference. Jérôme Sessini’s photographs of Ukraine’s uprising are not nice, they are appropriate and necessary. They rightly question the horror, violence and hypocrisy that characterise six years of wars at the gates of Europe. Inner Disorder gathers photographs and text of both harshest moments and low times of a war paced by life, death, boredom and silence. The proximity of the events leaves no respite to the reader as the familiarity of the faces blatantly illustrates the banality of war. And yet, he reaches beyond the context to produce a universal message.

François Hébel


Inner Disorder

— Ukraine 2014-2017

by Jérôme Sessini

Release Place Barcelona, Spain
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2021
ISBN-13: 978-84-17975-27-2
Topics Conflict, Ukraine, War
Language English
Format Hardcover
Binding Swiss binding
Dimensions 16.0 × 21.0 cm
Pages 244