
Publisher Note

In industrialized western society, animals are becoming disposable items.

Every year, countless animals end up in animal shelters, rescue centers or sanctuaries. Or, if they are unlucky, at the slaughterhouse. There are many reasons why they end up at these stations. Overwhelmed owners who are not familiar with the exotic species but were ultimately just looking for a nice decoration for the living room. Pets that become a burden and are then disposed of somewhere. The pandemic in particular has led many people to get a pet without being aware of the long-term consequences. Animal shelters are fuller than ever.
The animals that live in human care are completely dependent on them, regardless of whether it is cold outside or the holidays are temptingly just around the corner. But many people forget the responsibilities that come with owning a living creature; the attraction of this is too tempting. But the suffering that results is difficult to bear. Many look away, and some don't want to know anything about it. There are all kinds of characters in this book. From brave sheep to wild birds to nimble rats. But all of them have experienced trauma and bear their scars. Some are clearly visible, others carry them invisibly.



by Sara Affolter

Release Place Baden, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Artist: Sara Affolter
ISBN-13: 978-3-903101-95-1
Subform Photobook
Topics Animals, Pets
Methods Photography
Language German
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 22.5 × 27.5 cm
Pages 96