cover, image source: publisher

Work Description

Collection of collages.


"Maybe the most unnecessary book of 2016, but definitely the most funny one I came across. Chantal Rens is a Dutch artist that uses photography often as a starting point for her collages. In ‘You run around town like a fool and you think that it’s groovy’, she combines images of animals balancing a glass with spirits on them. You could ask yourself: Why, but this is exactly why the book is deadly funny. Numerous combinations of images, definitely never seen before. I would highly recommend this book that also probably the longest title of a photo book produced in 2016."
Erik Kessels (Photobooks of 2016, PHOTOBOOKSTORE Magazine)

"This book might become the most hilarious book published in 2016. Dutch artist Chantal Rens (1981) made collages showing all kinds of animals carrying on their back glasses of different alcoholic beverages. Simple, yet very well executed."
Edie Peters (PhotoQ Bookshop, Amsterdam)

Artists’ Book

You run around town like a fool and you think that it’s groovy

by Chantal Rens

Release Place Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Edition 1st original edition
Release Date 2016
Artist: Chantal Rens
Printrun 500
Inscription signed, numbered
Original Price 25.00 euro
Subform Photobook
Topics Animals, Beer, Drinks
Methods Collage, Found Footage, Found Photography
Work Creation Date 2014 – 2016
Pages 100
Color 4, cmyk
Technique Offset
Color Cmyk
Material 300g leatherlook laminated
Technique Offset
Color 1 red
Material transparent plastic gift wrapping 35my
Technique Silkprint
Packing Notes little hearts pattern

edcat-ID E0000006

last updated 1429 days ago

Created by cr

Edited by cr, Jan, curator, edcat

2 approvals