
In collaboration with Kunstverein München

Publisher Note

You've got beautiful stairs, you know is the fourth installment in Kunstverein München's 'Companion' series, and was released in parallel to Ola Vasiljeva's eponymous exhibition. The publication's 100 full-color and black-and-white pages combine facsimiles of zines, records, and posters Vasiljeva produced collaboratively as OAOA, intercut and overlaid with 35mm slides, drawings, and photographs taken by the artist during the production of previous exhibitions, as well as a manic letter to the artist by Chris Fitzpatrick.

Artist Monograph

Ola Vasiljeva

You've got beautiful stairs, you know

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2016
Designer: Julie Peeters
Artist: Ola Vasiljeva
ISBN-13: 9789491843587
Original Price 18.51 EUR
Dimensions 21.0 × 29.7 cm
Pages 96

last updated 1828 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma