Front Cover, image source: Rollo Press


Hinrich Sachs, Fredrik Ehlin

Publisher Note

This publication belongs to a set of materials produced in reference to the transformative developments occurring in the realm of writing and speaking today, as triggered by digital communication. These shifts are part of a cultural process, shaped by structural multilingualism, which is impacting many parts of the world. Edited by Hinrich Sachs and Fredrik Ehlin,👂🧠👀📋 is a compilation of text messages by student contributors from various schools, who have diverse backgrounds in speaking German, Spanish, Basque, Swedish, Swiss-German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Each cryptic, emoticon-laden text message is accompanied by its “translation”.

Artists’ Book


by Fredrik Ehlin, Hinrich Sachs

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Release Date 2020
ISBN-13: 978-3-906213-27-9
Topics Communication, Emoji, Language, Symbols
Dimensions 21.5 × 28.0 cm


CV Books

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