Front Cover, image source: Marcel Lunkwitz, © Marcel Lunkwitz


includes an original print.

Publisher Note

For 21 days I was travelling through the provinces of Ontario and Quebec seeking for Canada’s First Nations and its storytellers in order to find out more about the origins of this country. Far away from in­ herited stereotypes I wanted to pose a new vision of what it means to be indigenous nowadays. Blurring the boundaries between traditional and contemporary modes of representation, my portraits of the First Na­ tions reconnect with their cultural and ancestral past while positioning them in a new field of power.
I initiated a dialogue with every protagonist of 21 days, seeking their thoughts on the notion of identity.
I captured them in both geographically remote and urban settings opposing their mindsets with still life landscape scenarios as well as with travellers’ per­ spectives on the country. 21 days is a story of resilien­ ce, a continuing struggle to combat prevailing ster­ eotypes in order to establish and retain identity and to keep the legacy alive.

Publisher self-published
Release Place Berlin, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Artist: Marcel Lunkwitz
Printrun 6
Inscription numbered, signed
Availability Available
Subform Photobook
Topics Emotions, Landscape, People
Methods Photography
Dimensions 21.0 × 23.0 × 2.5 cm
Pages 96
Technique Digital Offset, Embossing