Cover, Photo by Mémé Bartels, image source: Private

Publisher Note

The vacant land next to my house was sold in 2014 to two self-builders. One built his dream house in 1 year. The other is not ready yet. I followed the process from 2015 and recorded the result in the book Arcadia. This publication is about ambition and the impossibility of realizing it; the feeling that it will never work and may never work again. Arcadia consists of three parts: 2015, 2016 and 2017. Each part consists of separate sheets. The further in time, the more desperation strikes, the more complicated the folding of the sheets that make up the parts.

Publisher self-published
Release Date 2nd September 2017
Artist: Mémé Bartels
Printrun 20
Availability Out of Print
Subform 3 Booklets In A Box
Methods Analog Photography
Dimensions 17.0 × 23.0 cm
Technique Inkjet Printing

Web references

last updated 614 days ago

Created by Mémé_Bartels

Edited by Mémé_Bartels