
Biennale dell'Immagine

Publisher Note

The publication Are We Alone? is jointly based on a preparatory documentation to Mulhouse Biennale of Photography (Gallery at Public Library of Mulhouse, 4.06 - 03.09.2016) and views of the exhibition, the first stage of an itinerant project.

It comes in the form of an observation and investigation notebook (in the standard format of an A4 notebook) but also museum documentation of the current project.

Beyond the iconographic material chosen for the exhibition of BPM, it offers a number of extensions to this work in progress. Glossy paper refers to the processes of the spectacular industry that probe, in part, this work of appropriation.

Release Date 2016
Artist: Anna Meschiari
Topics Switzerland, Ticino
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Paperback
Pages 80

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Artphilein Library

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