image source: Private

Publisher Note

This is a collection of found images on the internet of men showing their penis in relation to an everyday object. These men use a basic concept of measurement: comparison with an object, using nonstandard units. Through observation we learn to determine which is taller, shorter, or longer and which is the tallest, shortest, and longest. Because size matters.

*ssthetic was a 7 issue zine series. A re-imaging of porn and a research into its iconography. Creating a new narrative combined with text from erotic stories and using reworked pornographic imagery. Deconstructed to the bare essentials.

Invited for the Ass Book Fair by Le Gros Monsieur who was also the first that subscribed to the R/NDOM zine series, Matt decided to produce a few queer publications for the fair. A subject he was not too familiar with, but it was so much fun to explore that it resulted in numerous different projects and its own menu header on the website.

The series was specifically produced for the Ass Book Fair (Palais de Tokyo, Paris) 2018 and 2019 edition.

Artists’ Book

ASS 06 - Size Matters

by Matt Plezier

Release Place Den Haag, Netherlands
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Matt Plezier
Series ASS, 06
Printrun 30
Subform Zine
Topics Penis
Methods Found Images, Photography
Dimensions 14.8 × 21.0 cm
Technique Risography

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Sammlung Verein Das Kunstbuch

last updated 1115 days ago

Created by DasKunstbuch

Edited by DasKunstbuch, edcat