Cover, image source: Artist

Publisher Note

The title (Birds singing on Friday) is an absurd statement that seems strange.The birds do not sing on the other days, sounds like a restriction, a promise, a prophecy. It reads like an irrefutable claim of an order imposed by man against nature. The title also wants to be ambiguous, to stumble gently.

The work consists of a compilation of newspaper clippings. The elements of media imagery are renegotiated: Disasters, storms, technologies, drama, society become almost homogeneous pictorial patterns of a carpet-like landscape The image sequences are printed on very thin paper with a velvety glossy surface. It feels like a snake that cannot be seized.

Artists’ Book

Birds Singing on Friday

by Heidemarie von Wedel

Release Date 2020
Dimensions 23.5 × 32.0 cm
Pages 48

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