Work Description
Blackout features a selection of photographs culled from a newspaper’s electronic archive and represents “standalone” images reproduced between 1965-1985. Until the widespread adoption of digital workflows, archivists would produce microfilm copies of each edition of a particular newspaper. As microfilm has become all but obsolete, scans have been made of the microfilmed newspapers in order to transfer them to digital databases. Blackout represents 9 stages of reproduction and with each stage, the technology that transfers the image leaves its mark on the process. These stages are: Negative-> Print-> Half-Tone Separation-> Newspaper Print-> Microfilm-> Scanned File-> PDF-> Tif File-> Print on Demand Publication.
Publisher | self-published |
Release Place | London, United Kingdom |
Release Date | 2015 |
Credits |
Printrun | 50 |
Original Price | 50.00 Pounds |
Work | |
Work Creation Date | 2015 |
Object | Book |
Format | Softcover |
Binding | Perfect Binding |
Dimensions | 21.0 × 28.0 × 2.3 cm |
Weight | 1,225 gram |
Interior | |
Pages | 404 |
Technique | Digital Offset |
Exterior | |
Pages | 1 |
Material | Inkjet print dust jacket |
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