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3 series each with 5 film stills and book in plastic box

Publisher Note

After a series of mysterious deaths with puncture wounds on the neck, a man wakes up from his coma in the intensive care unit of a Lucerne hospital and claims to be William Tell: a case for the SBI agent duo Hedinger/Gossolt. “C-Files: Tell Saga” is the story of two heroes in two time levels: Agent Hedinger fights against corrupt government in the present, while Agent Gossolt stands up for our freedom in the 13th century, the Swiss Gründerzeit. Since Schiller, the Tell saga has been one of the most famous European myths and is a testimony to the triumph of the desire for freedom over oppression.
“C-Files: Tell Saga” is a fast-paced detective and time travel story with many parodies of the entertainment industry and charming persiflages of film and literature history. The events of 1291 are seen and interpreted from the present: A national myth is dismantled. Filmed by and with the two shooting stars Marcus Gossolt and Johannes M. Hedinger from Com&Com and Oscar winner HR Giger in another leading role.

Artists’ Edition

C-Files: Tell Saga (Edition)

— The Box (I–III)

by Marcus Gossolt, Johannes M. Hedinger, Com&Com

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Release Date 2000
Printrun 15
ISBN-13: 978-3-906086-40-8
Inscription numbered, signed
Subform Special Edition
Dimensions 20.2 × 14.2 × 3.0 cm
Pages 168
Technique Offset Printing, Photoprints

last updated 1694 days ago

Data Contributor: Christoph Schifferli

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