In collaboration with Cultural Centre Mechelen
Publisher Note
This exhibition publication is produced on the occasion of the group show Copy Construct held at the Cultural Centre Mechelen in the first half of 2017. Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on 'reproduction' or 'copy'. Side by side, the exhibited works were shown in relation to printed matter and artists books. Initially produced as an exhibition guide, this revised version brings together some 25 autonomous contributions from the exhibited artists, a thematic introduction, an interview with the book collector Gregorio Magnani, as well as some images of the exhibition installation. The publication's bibliography offers a selected overview of exhibited books as seen per artist in recent decades. Curated and compiled by Kasper Andreasen. Design: Joris Dockx. ISBN 9789491843945
Copy Construct
Kasper Andreasen, Stuart Bailey, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Peter Downsbrough, Vincent Geyskens, Henri Jacobs, Jan Kempenaers, Kris Kimpe, Stephanie Kiwitt, Aglaia Konrad, Alon Levin, Louis Lüthi, Sara MacKillop, Gregorio Magnani, Tine Melzer, Marc Nagtzaam, Willem Oorebeek, Frans Oosterhof, Jan Op de Beeck, Ria Pacquée, Simon Popper, Guy Rombouts, Joachim Schmid, Elisabeth Tonnard, Mitja Tušek, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Erik van der Weijde
edited by Kasper Andreasen
Publisher | |
Release Place | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Edition | 1st edition |
Release Date | 2017 |
Credits |
Printrun | 500 |
Identifiers |
Original Price | 8.23 EUR |
Work | |
Subform | Exhibition Pubilication |
Topics | Authorship, Collection, Copy, Independent Publishing, Mimesis, Reproduction |
Methods | Appropriation, Collecting, Documentation, Photography, Writing |
Object | |
Dimensions | 19.7 × 27.1 cm |
Interior | |
Pages | 68 |
Technique | Photocopy, Risography |
Released in context with
COPY CONSTRUCTWeb references
orderromapublications.orglast updated 1097 days ago
Data Contributor: ROMA Publications
Created by KasperAndreasen
Edited by edcat, KasperAndreasen